God is Real

I was baptized in Taiwan.  Although at the time I didn’t want to be baptized, thinking back, I really think that it was God’s intention for me to be baptized.  When I was 16, I came to the United States.  Here I started to open up to the Lord and even began reading a gospel book. One day, I suddenly felt the need to repent and open up to the Lord and let Him come in. I did, and from that time on, God has been pouring out blessings upon me.

I started reading the Bible every day. I wasn’t forced to, I just felt like reading the stories in the Bible. As time went by, my whole attitude changed and I didn’t even know how or why. My taste changed from desiring the world to loving the Lord instead.  Little by little, God drew me more and more until I could not do the things I used to do. I have to say that I love God and He is my Savior.

As a young person, the meetings of the church are great. When I get together with other believers, God is so real and clear to me. I can enjoy God and really touch Him in spirit. Some of the best experiences I have had is in the church Bible camps we have every summer.  During these times, young people from all over gather together and are filled with God. I distinctly remember the camp of 1998. Everyone was sharing and active during the meetings, and the whole time was such a blessing to all the young people.  I will always remember that time.

God is real.  Even as a young person, I have felt God, touched Him, and know Him. That is really wonderful!

Aaron Hsieh