TODAY Live Summer Training Registration Deadline – The Live Summer Training in Anaheim, CA will be from July 2-7. The deadline to register is TODAY. Registration forms and additional details are available at the Service Office. (Registration for the video training will open at a later date.)
TODAY The Next HWMR, The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery to Bring Forth the One New Man, is available for purchase: English, Spanish, and Chinese (Traditional/Simplified) versions are available at the book room. Korean-speaking saints can purchase in their respective location. Cost for this publication is $5.00.
4/30 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization-Study of Leviticus, Week 12 – Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the Peace Offering at the Lord’s Table to Present the Total Picture of God’s Economy.
5/2 Corporate Prayer Meeting at the Fellowship Hall, 8 PM.
5/3 Pre-Conference Meeting – There will be a pre-conference meeting with a time of prayer on Thursday, May 3rd, from 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM for those who are attending or serving in the Gospel to All the Nations Conference. We will be joined by the visiting co-workers.
5/4-6 Gospel to all the Nations Conference – The Church in Dunn Loring will be hosting the Gospel to all the Nations Conference in the meeting hall May 4-6, 2018. If you are planning on attending, please sign up on the Church in Dunn Loring website, under Events.
5/6 No Lord’s Table Meeting – Due to the Conference, we will not have a Lord’s Table nor a prophesying meeting next week. We strongly encourage all saints to blend with another locality.
Service Sign Up for the Gospel to all the Nations Conference (5/4-5/6) – There will be opportunities for service with meal/snack prep and cleaning during the conference. If you are willing to serve (especially if you will not be in the meetings of the conference), please sign up at the Service Office.
2018 Memorial Day Conference (5/25-5/28) – will be held in Kansas City, MO. Conference and hotel information is available at the Service Office.
2018 DC/Dunn Loring/Fairfax Children’s Summer Bible Camp – Registration is now open for this year’s 2018 Summer Bible Camp for children in the churches in DC, Dunn Loring and Fairfax. The camp will take place from 9:30AM – 12PM, Monday, June 25 to Friday, June 29. Please register and pay online at The cost is $40/child (includes t-shirt, crafts, snacks, CD, and Friday lunch), and the fee is the same for both full-time and part-time. Please submit payment via PayPal (instructions are in online registration form). The camp is for pre-school (must be 3 years old by October 1, 2018) to elementary school age and is not a drop-off camp, Parents or a responsible adult must attend with the child(ren). The registration deadline is May 13.
Church in Richmond Meeting Hall – There is a financial need for the Church in Richmond to purchase their meeting hall. If you are led by the Lord to contribute, you can designate your offerings for “Church in Richmond Meeting Hall”.
UK Building Project (London) – There is a financial need for the expansion of facilities at Woodland Camp so that 200 Europeans per week can be trained. If you are led by the Lord to contribute, you can designate your offerings for “UK Building Fund”.
The next HWMR, The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery to Bring Forth the One New Man, is now available for purchase.
• Bible (Recovery Version with Footnotes): 1 Cor. 1:5 – 1 Cor. 3:9
• Life-study of Romans: Message 53
(The link to the study questions are available at: