August 13, 2023 Announcements

8/14 – The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord’s Coming, Week 5 – Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord’s Coming by Having a Revived Living and a Labor of Shepherding.

8/16 – Prayer Meeting, 8:00 PM – The English-speaking will meet in person at the Fellowship Hall (Zoom will be available). All other languages will meet over Zoom.

8/26 – The Mystery of Human Life Gospel Tract Workshop, 10:00 AM – The saints from Dunn Loring and Fairfax are invited to attend a workshop on Saturday, August 26, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM to review afresh the riches contained in The Mystery of Human Life and practice how to use its contents to share the gospel. The workshop will be held at the meeting hall in Dunn Loring. A light snack will be provided.  

2023 Fall Mid-Atlantic Blending Conference – The 2023 Fall Mid-Atlantic Blending Conference, to be held in Philadelphia, PA on September 16 – September 17, 2023. Brother Ron Kangas will be joining us. Please refer to the email sent out on 7/15/23 for further details.

Offerings – Details for how to give offerings (electronically or by check) can be found at:


  • Steal Me Away (NYCYPCD) – $12
  • Oh, Hope of Glory, Our Christ Will Return (Music CD) – $15