August 27, 2023 Announcements

8/28 – The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Knowing, Experiencing, and Living the All-inclusive Christ for the Genuine Church Life, Week 2 – Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the Meal Offering to Have a Meal-offering Christian Life and a Meal-offering Church Life, Consummating in the New Jerusalem as a Great Meal Offering – the Ultimate Consummation of the Mingling of the Triune God with the Tripartite Man.

8/30 – Prayer Meeting, 8:00 PM – The English-speaking will meet in person at the Fellowship Hall (Zoom will be available). All other languages will meet over Zoom.

9/3 – Corporate Lord’s Table and Prophesying Meeting

2023 Fall Mid-Atlantic Blending Conference – The 2023 Fall Mid-Atlantic Blending Conference, to be held in Philadelphia, PA on September 16 – September 17, 2023. Brother Ron Kangas will be joining us. Please refer to the email sent out on 7/15/23 for further details. If you have children attending, please fill out the childcare form by September 1.

2023 Fall Young People’s Conference – The 2023 Fall Young People’s Conference will be held from September 29 – October 1, 2023, at Skycroft Conference Center in Middletown, MD. The registration deadline is Lord’s Day, September 10, 2023. The registration form and further details are on the conference webpage:

Offerings – Details for how to give offerings (electronically or by check) can be found at:


  • Steal Me Away (NYCYPCD) – $12
  • Oh, Hope of Glory, Our Christ Will Return (Music CD) – $15