TODAY The following small groups will be cleaning the hall after the meeting this morning: English: Woodbridge/Lorton & Spanish: VA/MD Suburbs. Groups scheduled for cleaning are asked to gather in the Young People’s room in the Fellowship Hall at 12:30 pm prior to cleaning each week.
8/5 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – The Completing Ministry of Paul, Week 3, The Indwelling Christ.
8/7 Prayer meetings at homes, 8 pm.
8/11 Cleaning the hall after the Lord’s Day meeting: English: Springfield/Burke & Chinese: Fairfax/Burke.
Mid-Atlantic Labor Day Conference on 8/30 – 9/1 – The 2013 Mid-Atlantic Labor Day Conference will be held on August 30 through September 1, 2013, at the meeting hall of the Church in Beltsville. Brother Minoru Chen will be with us. The schedule is available at the Service Office. Please sign up at the Service Office by August 18 if you are planning on going.
Conference Center in Kiev, Ukraine – There is an update on the construction of the Conference Center in Kiev posted on the bulletin board. There is also a video at There is an urgent financial need of $347,000 before the end of September in order to complete enough construction to obtain ownership documents. If you would like to participate financially, please designate your offering to “Kiev meeting hall, Ukraine”.
An Open Letter from the Local Churches and Living Stream Ministry Concerning the Teachings of Witness Lee – There is a new website, which is an open letter from the Local Churches and Living Stream Ministry Concerning the teachings of Witness Lee. It contains a statement of faith, the Lord’s Recovery, and history as well as testimonies from respected Christians. Many can benefit from this website and it can be used freely for the Lord’s interests and reaching others.
BFA Materials: The church purchased from BFA free cards for distribution to new ones offering a free NT and two free books (NC Life & E of God), also a number of the 3 Vol. sets of the Basic Elements of the Christian Life. You can purchase these at the book room. 1. The cost of the cards is $10/hundred. 2. The three volume set costs $3. This offer is not for any saint in the Lord’s Recovery to use personally, but only for the new ones you are presently shepherding. The brothers in the book room will give you further instructions and guidelines when you purchase them.
Full Ministry of Christ (Music CD) – $15.00
Lord of All Hope (Music CD) – $15.00
The Administration of the Church and the Perfecting of the Saints – $7.25
Extractos de los mensajes del entrenamientlo-Estudio do cristalizacion de Genesis (1), verano 2013 – $13.25