August 5, 2018 Announcements

8/6          The Holy Word for Morning Revival – The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man, Week 3 – The Victorious Christ.

8/8           Corporate Prayer Meeting at the meeting hall, 8 PM.


2018 Mid-Atlantic Labor Day Conference (8/31-9/2) – The Labor Day Conference will be held on August 31 – September 2, 2018, at the meeting hall of the Church in Beltsville, located at 4417 Briggs Chaney Road, Beltsville, Maryland. Brothers Ed Marks and Ricky Acosta will be joining us. Please see the Service Office for more details.

A New Meeting Hall in Madrid, Spain – Thank the Lord! As of July 23, the offerings received have fully met the need for the purchase of the property. The closing date is now set for September 30. All future offerings will be used toward renovations. If you are led by the Lord to contribute, you can designate your offerings for “Meeting Hall in Madrid”.

Church in Richmond Meeting Hall – There is a financial need for the Church in Richmond to purchase their meeting hall (funds are needed before August 31). If you are led by the Lord to contribute, you can designate your offerings for “Church in Richmond Meeting Hall”.

UK Building Project (London) – There is a financial need for the expansion of facilities at Woodland Camp so that 200 Europeans per week can be trained. If you are led by the Lord to contribute, you can designate your offerings for “UK Building Fund”.




HWMR, The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man$6.00

New Testament Recovery Version (Pocketsize; 6 1/8″x4 3/8″; Burgundy; Text only) – $5.00

Hymns #1-1348 (Medium, words only) – $22.50

Hymns #1-1348 (Large, words only) – $25.00

The Issue of the Dispensing of the Processed Trinity and the Transmitting of the Transcending Christ – $7.75

La Experiencia de vida – $18.50

The Experience of Life – $18.50