December 31, 2023 Announcements

1/1 – The Holy Word for Morning Revival – An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord’s Recovery before His Appearing, Vol. 2, Week 11 – The Divine-human Incorporation of the Consummated God with the Regenerated Believers—the Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory.

1/3 – Corporate Prayer Meeting, 8:00 PM – All saints will meet in person at the Fellowship Hall. Zoom will not be available.

1/7 – Corporate Lord’s Table and Corporate Prophesying Meeting

Lost and Found – Any items in the Lost and Found at the table near the nursery are available for anyone to take. Any remaining items not taken TODAY will be given away or thrown out.

Calendar of Events – We updated the website to include a calendar of events to help with your planning:

Offerings – Details for how to give offerings (electronically or by check) can be found at:


  • Next HWMR: Knowing, Experiencing, and Enjoying Christ as Revealed in Philippians (2023 International Memorial Day Blending Conference) – $7
  • 2024 Gospel Calendars available for purchase – $12
  • The Ministry of the Word (Periodical), vol. 27, no. 07, September 2023 (July 2023 Semiannual Training) – $15
  • The Lord’s Table Meeting – $3