2/1 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – The Crucial Points of the Major Items of the Lord’s Recovery Today – Week 8: The Local Ground of the Church.
2/1 Life-study Reading Schedule – Life-study of Exodus, Messages 129 and 130.
2/3 Prayer Meeting in the homes, 7:45 pm.
2/6 Corporate Morning Revival – All saints are encouraged to enjoy the Lord together for corporate morning revival at the meeting hall at 9:30 am. All saints are also welcome to stay and clean afterwards, along with saints that have last names beginning with I-Pa.
2/7 Annual Business Meeting
Used Pitchers – There are a number of used pitchers, including glass/plastic pitchers and syrup pitchers on the table by the door of the cafeteria that are available for any saint to take. They will be given away or discarded after 1/31, TODAY.
Spring College Retreat – February 19-21 at Camp Letts, Edgewater, MD. Please register by February 7, on-time registration is $92 (late registration $102).
Spring 2016 Mid-Atlantic Blending Conference (3/11-13) – There will be a blending conference on March 11-13, 2016 in Virginia Beach, VA. Brother Minoru Chen will be joining us. The conference will be held at a school (4444 Shore Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23455). Saints are responsible for making their own living arrangements. Limited hospitality will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis. Further details are available at the Service Office. Please sign up at the Service Office if you plan on attending.
Bulletin Board – Please see the bulletin board regarding:
• Blending Conference in Puerto Rico – February 27-28, 2016.
• Blending Conference in Ohio – April 15-17, 2016.
• Financial Need for a Property in Brazil for the Lord’s Interests in Brazil and South America.
• Rhema Winter 2015 Mass Distribution Update – Special Report from Preaching the Gospel to the Middle East Refugees Migrating to Europe.
• Sister Hannah Smith’s Letter to the Saints in Dunn Loring.
The Faith, Testimony, and Ground of the Church – $7.25
New Testament Recovery Version (Pocketsize; 6 1/8″ x 4 3/8″, Burgundy, Text only) – $5.00
New York Young People CD – Joy Unspeakable – $10.00