TODAY Sign up for new Holy Word for Morning Revival – Sign up form is available for the next HWMR, Crystallization of Genesis, Vol 5, 2014 Summer Training. Please make any changes or updates to your information through a serving one in the bookroom or online at Deadline is July 27th, 2014.
07/21 The Holy Word for Morning Revival –Aspects of the Christian Life and Church Life as Seen in the New Jerusalem – Week 6, The Lamb as the Lamp with God as the Light.
07/21 Life-study Reading Schedule –Life-study of Genesis, Messages 91 and 92.
07/23 Prayer Meetings in the homes, 7:45 pm.
Help needed for Bob and Mary’s move – Help is needed to move Bob and Mary Little on Thursday, July 24, starting at 8 am. Sisters are also needed to help sister Mary clean in the afternoon. Please call or text Bob Little if you are able to help at 703-201-0360.
Summer School of Truth – There is a need for help providing dinner for the Summer School of Truth on Saturday, Aug. 2. Please sign up at the service office if you are able to help.
Lost and Found – Please check the lost and found items on the tables by the nursery. Any items not claimed by Lord’s Day, July 27 will be given away or discarded.
2014 Mid-Atlantic Labor Day Conference on 8/29-31–We will have a conference over the Labor Day weekend in Beltsville, MD from August 29-31. Brother Minoru Chen will be with us. Please sign up at the Service Office if you plan on attending.
FTTA Training Center Relocation –There is a need for offerings for the relocation of the FTTA training center to the LSM campus. Pledge forms and further details are available at the Service Office. If you are led to give, please designate your offerings for “FTTA Training Center”. Donations are due TODAY, July 20, 2014.
Holy Bible Recovery Version (With footnotes; Black Hardbound, 10″x7 1/8″) – $65.00
Hymns #1-1348 (small,words Only) – $20.00
New York Young People CD “O Jesus Most Desired ” – $11.00
Church Addresses – $5.00 (United States, U.S. Territories, Canada, Mexico, Central America,& Caribbean)
The Ministry of the word – $10.25 (Aspects of the Christian Life and Church Life Seen in the New Jerusalem)
Pensamiento Central de Dios, El – $8.25 (Spanish)
The Age of the One New Man – $7.25
Concusion del Nuevo Testamento, La (Mensajes 079-0980 – $10.00 Spanish)