June 12, 2016 Announcements

6/13   The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Service for the Building Up of the Church – Week 5: The Humanity of One Who Serves the Lord.

6/13   Life-study Reading Schedule – Life-study of Exodus, Messages 167 and 168.

6/15   Corporate Prayer Meeting at the hall, 7:45 pm.

6/18   Corporate Morning Revival – All saints are encouraged to enjoy the Lord together for corporate morning revival at the meeting hall at 9:30 am. All saints are also welcome to stay and clean afterwards, along with saints that have last names beginning with A-H.

Hospitality Need for FTTT-MA Trainees – There will be a group of FTTT-MA trainees from Taiwan visiting us from July 1-3. There is a need for hospitality on Friday night (7/1) and Saturday night (7/2). Please sign up at the Service Office if you are able to provide hospitality.

Blending Meeting with FTTT-MA Trainees – There will be a blending meeting with the FTTT-MA trainees on Friday night, July 1. Although the meeting will be in Chinese, all saints are welcome to attend. Please bring your own FM radios if you need translation. Dinner will be provided and will begin at 6 pm. Child care will be provided for children 4 years and up and the nursery will be available for parents to stay with their children younger than 4. Please sign up at the Service Office if you plan on attending so that we can get an estimate for dinner and for child care.

Giving for the UK Building Fund – There is a financial need for the purchase of Bower Farm, for the construction of new facilities at Bower House, Bower Farm, and Woodland Camp. If you are led by the Lord to contribute, you can designate your checks for “UK Building Fund”.

Giving to support the gospel work in Europe – Those that are led to give to support the gospel work in Europe can designate checks for “Gospel Work in Europe”.


The Gospel of God (booklet for distribution) – Set of 50 – $5.00
Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs – $8.00

Life Lesson,Vol. 1 (#1-12) – $7.00;
Hymns#1-1348 (words only) – $22.50 (Medium); $20.00 (Small)