June 15, 2014 Announcements


TODAY    The following small groups will be cleaning the hall after the meeting this morning: English: Woodbridge/Lorton & Spanish-speaking: VA/MD suburbs scheduled for cleaning are asked to gather in the main meeting hall (please note location change) at 12:15 pm prior to cleaning each week.

TODAY    Deadline to register for the summer video training. Registration forms and further details are available at the Service Office.

06/16       The Holy Word for Morning Revival Aspects of the Christian Life and Church Life as Seen in the New Jerusalem Week 1, The Throne of God and of the Lamb, the River of Water of Life, and the Tree of Life.

06/16       Life-study Reading Schedule Life-study of Genesis, Messages 81 and 82.

06/18       Prayer Meeting in the homes, 7:45 pm.

06/22       Cleaning the hall after the Lord’s Day meeting:

               English: Springfield/Burke & Chinese: Fairfax/GMU Students/Burke.

Athens Georgia College Training on July 14-20 Register by 6/22 for $365. Please, visit the website for registration. http://collegetraining.org

FTTA Training Center Relocation There is a need for offerings for the relocation of the FTTA training center to the LSM campus. Pledge forms and further details are available at the Service Office. If you are led to give, please designate your offerings for “FTTA Training Center”.

Bulletin Board – Please see the bulletin board for details regarding:

  • Mini-conference with Minoru Chen / First Lord’s Table in Murfreesboro, TN, June 21-22, 2014.


Video Training Schedule

Message 1 – Fri, 7/4/14, 4:30 PM

Message 2 – Fri, 7/4/14, 7:00 PM

Message 3 – Sat, 7/5/14, 4:30 PM

Message 4 – Sat, 7/5/14, 7:00 PM

Message 5 – LD, 7/6/14, 4:30 PM

Message 6 – LD, 7/6/14, 7:00 PM

Message 7 – Wed, 7/9/14, 7:30 PM

Message 8 – Fri, 7/11/14, 7:30 PM

Message 9 – Sat, 7/12/14, 4:30 PM

Message 10 – Sat, 7/12/14, 7:00 PM

Message 11 – LD, 7/13/14, 4:30 PM

Message 12 – LD, 7/13/14, 7:00 PM




The next HWMR, Aspects of the Christian Life and Church Life as Seen in the New Jerusalem, April 2014 ITERO, is now available for purchase. Cost for this publication is $8.00.

Hymns #1-1348 (Small,words Only) – $20.00

New York Young People CD “O Jesus Most Desired ” – $11.00