June 24, 2012 Announcements


TODAY    The following small groups will be cleaning the hall after the meeting this morning: Burke and Centreville Chinese-speaking groups (Lin’s and Tsung’s) Springfield groups (Cheu’s and Whilden’s)

/25         The Holy Word for Morning RevivalThe Heart of the Divine Revelation, Week 1, The Overview of the Four Focal Books, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians.

6/27         Prayer Meeting in the homes, 8pm.

7/1           Cleaning the hall after Lord’s Day meeting – The Fairfax Chinese-speaking, Centreville, and Fairfax English-speaking groups will be responsible for cleaning next week.


DC Area Songbook Signup – There will be a signup sheet at the bookroom for saints to signup and prepay for the green DC Area Songbook. The cost is $10. The signup deadline is Lord’s Day, July 1.

Report from Alydia Davis – There is an encouraging report from Alydia Davis posted on the bulletin board and also on the website under “Posts” then “Reports”.

2012 Summer Video Training Schedule:

Messages 1 and 2 – Wed, July 4, 4:30 PM and 7 PM
Message 3 – Fri, July 6, 7:30 PM
Messages 4 and 5 – Sat, July 7, 4:30 pm and 7 PM
Messages 6 and 7 – LD, July 8, 4:30 PM and 7 PM
Message 8 – Fri, July 13, 7:30 PM
Messages 9 and 10, Sat, July 14, 4:30 PM and 7 PM
Messages 11 and 12, LD, July 15, 4:30 PM and 7 PM

Lord’s Move in the Caribbean – The Church in Atlanta has created an account, in fellowship with the co-workers, for the Lord’s move in Caribbean.  The current need is for the support of young college educated saints to attend the Full Time Training in Anaheim.  Any offerings can be sent to: The Church in Atlanta – Caribbean Account, 2345 Shallowford Road, Atlanta, GA 30345.

Audio from the DC Celebration Meeting is available on our website under “Members” then “Audio”.

Property for the church in Yerevan, Armenia – Praise the Lord for the purchase of the first piece of property for the church in Yerevan! However, there is an urgent need to purchase the adjacent property to meet the current and future needs of the Lord’s work in Armenia. Please see the update on the bulletin board for further details. If you are burdened to contribute, you can designate your offerings “Armenia”.


 Just Arrived:

     The Operation of God and the Anointing – $6.75
     El Terreno de la iglesia y el servicio en el cuerpo – $8.00 (Spanish)


HWMR – The Heart of the Divine Revelation is available for purchase for those saints who ordered.  For Chinese books, please go the book room behind the service office. English, Korean, and Spanish books can be purchased at the regular book room.  Cost for this publication is $5.00.  (DC saints can pick up their HWMR at Key Elementary School.)