TODAY Registration deadline for Spring College Retreat – The Spring College Retreat will be held 3/30-4/1 at Camp Letts, Edgewater, MD. The cost is $82. There will be a $25 discount for first-time participants. Please give the check, payable to Church in Dunn Loring, to either Bill Hirst or Joe Chang. Late registration will be accepted until 3/25, but the cost will be $92.
3/19 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – The Crystallization Study of the Psalms, Volume 4: Week 19, Christ as the Cornerstone for God’s Building.
3/21 Prayer Meeting in the homes, 8 pm.
3/24 Saturday Morning Service: Cleaning, Gardening and Maintenance – Service Group B (District 1 and 2 saints with last names I-Pa). Please meet at 9:30 a.m. for corporate prayer and fellowship before cleaning the hall. Please note that all saints are welcome to come each Saturday.
3/27-30 Hospitality for UCLA College Students – There is a need to provide hospitality for 24 college students from UCLA from Tuesday evening, 3/27 through Friday morning, 3/30. Please sign up at the service office if you are able to provide hospitality during this time.
3/28 Love Feast and Corporate Prayer Meeting – We will have a love feast at the meeting hall with the visiting UCLA students beginning at 7 pm, prior to the corporate prayer meeting. A catered dinner will be provided. Please sign up online on our website or at the service office by next Lord’s Day, 3/25 if you plan on attending, so we can get an accurate count for dinner. The corporate prayer meeting will begin at 8 pm. For online sign-up, go to, under “Members”, then “Love Feast Sign Up.”
5/25-28 International Memorial Day Conference – The International Memorial Day Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue Hotel in Bellevue, Washington from 5/25 through 5/28. Please see the service office for further details if you are planning on attending.
Need for a car in Charlottesville – The campus team in Charlottesville is in need for a car. If you have one that you would like to donate and is in reasonably good shape, please contact brother Paul Niesen at (512) 925-0776.
Urgent financial need for the church in Yerevan, Armenia – The church in Yerevan, Armenia, has encountered increasing difficulty to rent halls for the general church meetings due to strong influence from the state religion. As a result, there has been a need for the church to own their own meeting hall. The brothers have located a strategically located property for USD $275K. The local saints have contributed a total of $70K thus far. Unfortunately, they haven’t been able to secure a loan from banks and the deal will expire by April 1. Hence, the brothers in Yerevan presented this need to the Body. Additional details are posted on the bulletin board. If led by the Lord, please contribute and write “the Yerevan meeting hall” in the memo field. Due to time urgency, contributions will have to be made either today or March 25.
The Holy Word for Morning Revival, Volume 4 of the Crystallization Study of the Psalms is now available for purchase for those saints who ordered. For Chinese please go to the book room behind the service office. English, Korean, and Spanish can be purchased at the regular book room. Cost for this publication is $6.00.
La Vision que ros rige y nos regula segu se haila en la Biblia – $6.25
Fellowshipping with the Lord for the Mingling of God with Man – $6.50
The Vision and Building of the Church – $7.00 (Chinese Traditional)
Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life – $15.75
Experiencing Christ as the Offerings for the Church Meetings – $8.00
Hymns #1-1348 (Small, words only) – $20.00
The Service for Building Up the House of God – $12.25