5/23 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Service for the Building Up of the Church – Week 3: Serving God in Our Spirit in the Gospel of His Son.
5/23 Life-study Reading Schedule – Life-study of Exodus, Messages 161 and 162.
5/25 Prayer Meeting in the homes, 7:45 pm.
5/28 No Corporate Morning Revival due to the Memorial Day Conference
5/29 No Lord’s Day Meetings in Dunn Loring due to the Memorial Day Conference
5/27-30 2016 International Memorial Day Conference will be held at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Marriott Ballroom, 2660 Woodley Road NW, Washington DC, 20008 from May 27-30, 2016. Further details are available at the Service Office. The meeting schedule is as follows:
Meeting 1: Fri, 5/27, 7:30 pm
Meeting 2: Sat, 5/28, 10:00 am
Meeting 3: Sat, 5/28, 7:30 pm
Meeting 4: LD, 5/29, 9:30 am
(Please plan to allow extra time for travel due to motorcycle traffic)
Meeting 5: LD, 5/29, 7:30 pm
Meeting 6: Mon, 5/30, 10:00 am
Childrens Service: Childrens service for grades kindergarten through 6th grade will be provided. Please pick up the Medical Release Form TODAY at the Service Office. A Parents’ Room will be available with a live broadcast of the meetings to accommodate parents who need to take care of their pre-K children.
Ushering Service: There is still a need for brothers to usher for Meeting 1 (Fri PM) and Meeting 6 (Mon AM). If you are available to usher, please sign up at the Service Office TODAY or contact Gaius Park at 571-230-2748.
LSM Book Sales: There is a need for saints to set-up (Fri, 5/27, 9 am – 2 pm) and dismantle (Mon, 5/30, 12:30 – 3 pm) LSM book sales in the hotel ballroom. If you are available, please sign-up TODAY at the Book Room.
Special Fellowship for the Working Saints (5/28): There will be a special fellowship time for the working-aged saints from 3:30 – 5 pm on Saturday afternoon. All working saints are encouraged to attend. No childcare service will be available during this time, however, children of all ages are welcome to accompany their parents.
Translation: There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. Those who need translation should bring their own FM radio, headset, and extra batteries.
Hotel Rooms: The hotel is sold out of rooms at the group rate. If you have any extra rooms reserved at the group rate that you will not be using, please do not cancel them and let the Service Office know.
2016 Summer Video Training Registration – The registration deadline for the Summer Video Training is LD, June 5 and the fee is $80. Forms and additional details are available at the Service Office.
Hospitality Need – There is a need for hospitality for visiting college students for 1 night on Sat, 6/4. There is also a need for 1 night on Wed, 5/25 and 1 night on LD, 6/5. Please sign up at the Service if you are able to provide hospitality.
Giving for the UK Building Fund – There is a financial need for the purchase of Bower Farm, for the construction of new facilities at Bower House, Bower Farm, and Woodland Camp. If you are led by the Lord to contribute, you can designate your checks for “UK Building Fund”.
Giving to support the gospel work in Europe – Those that are led to give to support the gospel work in Europe can designate checks for “Gospel Work in Europe”.
HWMR: Service for the Building Up of the Church, is now available for purchase, $7.00.
JUST ARRIVED: Life Lesson,Vol. 1 (#1-12) – $7.00; Hymns#1-1348 (words only) – $22.50 (Medium); $20.00 (Small)