May 24, 2020 Announcements

5/24   No Dunn Loring Lord’s Day Meeting – Please join the International Memorial Day Conference and Prophesying Meetings. (see details below)

5/25   The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ, REPEAT Week 1 – The Will of God Concerning the All-Inclusive, Extensive Christ.

5/27   Remote Prayer Meeting by Small Groups, 8:00 PM

2020 International Memorial Day Conference (May 22-25) – Living Stream Ministry will host its first global online ministry conference from May 22 – May 25. All the messages will be streamed in English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, and Portuguese at Here is the remaining schedule:

Message 4: 10:00 a.m. ET, Lord’s Day, 24 May 2020
Message 5: 7:00 p.m. ET, Lord’s Day, 24 May 2020
Message 6: 10:00 a.m. ET, Monday, 25 May 2020

Following each message, there will be online prophesying sessions among the churches. The prophesying sessions will start 5 minutes after each video message is done. Please see the email previously sent out for details from the church in Dunn Loring:

Audio and Video Recordings of the Mid-Atlantic Working Saints Conference – Audio and video recordings of the conference are available at

Global Prayer During the Month of May – Saints are strongly encouraged to take the thirty suggested prayer burdens on and pray over them again during the month of May. You can still sign up and you will receive a daily email with a suggested prayer burden.

Online Remote Meetings – Please visit: for details on how to access remote meeting information for Lord’s Day meetings, prayer meetings, and small group meetings. Most of these meetings are using Zoom videoconferencing. If you need assistance setting up or using Zoom, please fill out this form and someone will contact you to help you:

Offerings – Details for how to give offerings (electronically or by check) can be found at:


HWMR: Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ – Physical copies of the next HWMR have been mailed to those who signed up. Electronic copies of the HWMR can still be purchased. Please refer to the email sent out for further details on how to purchase electronic versions:


• Bible (Recovery Version with Footnotes): 1 Cor. 12:12 – 14:40 (Week 57 of New Testament Reading Schedule)
• Life-study of Ephesians: Message 92