May 27, 2018 Announcements

5/28        The Holy Word for Morning Revival – The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery to Bring Forth the One New Man, Week 4 – Experiencing Christ as Our Life, Our Person, for the One New Man.

5/30         Corporate Prayer Meeting at the meeting hall, 8 PM.

6/2           Corporate Morning Revival at the meeting hall, 9:30 am, followed by a light breakfast and cleaning.

2018 Summer Video Training Registration –The Summer Video Training in Dunn Loring will be from July 4 – 15. Additional details and registration forms are available at the Service Office. The deadline to register is LD, June 3.

Church in Richmond Meeting Hall – There is a financial need for the Church in Richmond to purchase their meeting hall. If you are led by the Lord to contribute, you can designate your offerings for “Church in Richmond Meeting Hall”.

UK Building Project (London) – There is a financial need for the expansion of facilities at Woodland Camp so that 200 Europeans per week can be trained. If you are led by the Lord to contribute, you can designate your offerings for “UK Building Fund”.




The Next HWMR, The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery to Bring Forth the One New Man, is available for purchase: English, Spanish, and Chinese (Traditional/Simplified) versions are available at the book room. Korean-speaking saints can purchase in their respective location. Cost for this publication is $5.00.

JUST AS I AM – New York City Young People CD – $10.00