“Fully accomplish your ministry …” 2 Timothy 4.5
As believers in Christ Jesus, God has placed us in the Body of Christ, and we have all have a function to build up His Church in love. Here in the church in Dunn Loring, we do not entrust this vital role to a pastor or any select group of persons. As Christ’s fellow workers, we all work with Him and each other to develop the gift of grace that God has given each one of us for the carrying out of His purpose.

“From every tribe and tongue …” Revelation 5:9
We believe that culture, language, and ethnicity should not be barriers within the household of the faith. Christ eliminated all enmity between cultural groups on His cross. It is this fact we seek to live out both in our daily life together and in our fellowship with, and support of, believers around the globe.

“Allow the little children to come to Me …” Luke 18:16
We take the Lord’s loving command as our living commission in our care for our children. We endeavor to obey the Lord’s word and support parents in this great responsibility by providing our children with a nurturing atmosphere, biblical and spiritual education, and healthy activities.