November 11, 2012 Announcements

TODAY    The following small groups will be cleaning the hall after the meeting this morning: The Vienna, McLean, and Woodbridge small groups will be responsible for cleaning today.

11/12       The Holy Word for Morning Revival Genuine Oneness of the Body, the Proper One Accord in the Church, and the Direction of the Lord’s Move Today, Week 3, The Vision of the Proper One Accord in the Church.

11/14       Prayer Meeting in the homes, 8 pm. (The Prayer Meeting will also be in the homes next week, 11/21, due to the corporate gathering on 11/28).

11/18       Cleaning the hall after the Lord’s Day meeting – The Fairfax city and Spanish-speaking small groups will be responsible for cleaning next week.

Phone and Address List – The phone and address list will be emailed out to all the saints. If you would like a printed copy, please sign up at the Service Office.

International Thanksgiving Conference Webcast – We will have a webcast of the International Thanksgiving Conference at the meeting hall. All saints are encouraged to attend to receive the Lord’s up-to-date speaking. Please encourage your small groups, including new ones, to come Friday night. Please bring a sack dinner on Saturday and Lord’s Day. The schedule is as follows:

Friday, 11/23/12, 7:30 pm – Message 1

Saturday, 11/24/12, 4:30 pm – Message 2

Saturday, 11/24/12, 7:00 pm – Message 3

Lord’s Day, 11/25/12, 4:00 pm – Message 4

Lord’s Day, 11/25/12, 7:00 pm – Message 5

Wednesday, 11/28/12, 7:30 pm – Message 6

Video Training Registration – The video training registration has been extended to Lord’s Day, December 2, 2012. The schedule is available on the registration forms at the Service Office.

Second Fall Work Day – There will be a second work day at the meeting hall to clean up the property on December 8, 2012.

Meeting Hall in Yerevan, Armenia – Two matters to pray for: 1) Remodeling and Building of the Hall – both Ray Graver and Phil Delp are reviewing the long term possibilities for construction this weekend; 2) Current Financial Need – There is still the need for about $24,000 to secure the “third piece”. Plus, there will be the ongoing need when remodeling and construction begins. In fellowship with the coworkers we are asking about 10 localities in the Mid-Atlantic area and a few in Southern CA to pick up this need for giving. We trust the saints in these localities will bear this matter before the Lord. It would be wonderful if all the localities would give as much as possible by the end of the year.



 HWMR: The Genuine Oneness of the Body, the Proper One Accord in the Church, and the Direction of the Lord’s Move Today is available for those saints who ordered. Chinese can be purchased at Hall 2, all other languages can be purchased from the main bookroom. Cost for this publication is $6.00.

The Law of Revival – $6.00
Redemption in God’s Plan (Traditional Chinese) – $9.25
Llevar fruto que permanece, Tomo 1 (Spanish) – $10.00
Ministry of the Word (HWMR – The Genuine Oneness of the Body, the Proper One Accord in the Church, and the Direction of the Lord’s Move Today) – $7.00