11/7 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization-Study of the Psalms, Week 10, Christ as the Center of God’s Move on the Earth
11/9 Prayer meeting in the homes, 8 pm.
11/12 Saturday Morning Service: Cleaning, Gardening and Maintenance – Service Group C (Districts 1 & 2, last names Pe-Z). Please meet at 9:30 a.m. for corporate prayer and fellowship before cleaning the hall. Please note that all saints are welcome to come each Saturday.
11/12 Work Day at the Meeting Hall – A corporate workday for all the saints to rake leaves. If available, please bring your own work gloves, rakes, blowers, and other tools. We’ll meet at 9:30 a.m. for corporate prayer and fellowship, and start working at 10:00 a.m.
TODAY Phone List Update – Please verify your phone, email, and address information on the current phone list. Hard copies for inspection are outside the kitchen in the main hall and in the cafeteria in the fellowship hall. Additions or changes may also be submitted online via the website.
11/13 Deadline for Next HWMR Sign-Up – Please begin to sign up for the next Holy Word for Morning Revival book (The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel) in English, Korean, Spanish, and Chinese. You can sign up (1) online from your home computer, or (2) at the Book Room. To sign up online, go to, under the “Announcements” menu, click on “HWMR Sign Up“, enter your name, specify the number of copies in each language needed, and click the “Submit” button. It is important that you sign up by 11/13. Payment is due at pick-up.
11/19 – 11/20 Gospel Truth Forum – In cooperating with the Lord to spread the gospel to the campuses and communities in the DC, MD, and NoVA area, a gospel truth forum will be held at the Dunn Loring meeting hall on Saturday, 11/19, at 4pm. A similar truth forum will be held at the meeting hall of the Church in Gaithersburg on Lord’s Day, 11/20. All meetings will be conducted in Chinese and English. Some saints from both localities have been praying and coordinating in one accord to prepare for the forums. Since this is a move in the Body, we pray that more saints will rise up to participate either by praying or serving. More details and a meeting schedule will be announced in coming weeks.
11/24- 11/27 International Thanksgiving Conference in San Jose, CA – Conference meetings will be held at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center, Exhibit Hall 1, located at 150 West San Carlos Street, in San Jose, CA. Translation will be available in Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Special group rates ($85-$89 per night, plus tax) are available at five area hotels under the name of “Living Stream Ministry – 2011 Thanksgiving Day Conference.” Deadlines for these group rates are either 11/10 or 11/19 depending on the hotel. Please see the bulletin board for additional details. In preparation for the children’s service, please sign-up any children attending the conference at the Service Office.
12/30-01/08 Winter Video Training Schedule:
12/30, Fri, 7:00 PM, Message 1
12/31, Sat, 4:30 and 7:00 PM, Message 2 and 3
1/1, LD, 4:30 and 7:00 PM, Message 4 and 5
1/2, Mon, 9:30 AM and Noon, Message 6 and 7
1/6, Fri, 7:00 PM, Message 8
1/7, Sat, 4:30 and 7:00 PM, Message 9 and 10
1/8, LD, 4:30 and 7:00 PM, Message 11 and 12
Financial Report: The financial report for the month of September is posted on the bulletin board.
Green DC Area Songbooks are available for order, $10. Please sign up and pre-pay at the bookroom TODAY.
EL Cristo Que Mora en nosotros segun se ve en el canon del Nuevo Testamentlo – $8.00
The Exercise of the Spirit and the Building of God – $7.00
Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life (TRADITIONAL CHIN) – $15.00