October 04, 2015 Announcements

TODAY   Deadline for Phone and Address List Updates – Please check and update the phone and address lists TODAY on the table at the back of the main hall or on the tables in the cafeteria.

10/5   The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization-Study of Exodus, Vol. 4 – Week 21: Keeping Feasts unto God Three Times a Year Typifying the Full Enjoyment of the Triune God in Christ.

10/5   Life-study Reading Schedule – Life-study of Exodus, Messages 95 and 96.

10/7   Prayer Meetings in the homes, 7:45 pm.

10/10   Corporate Morning Revival – All saints are encouraged to enjoy the Lord together for corporate morning revival at the meeting hall at 9:30 am. All saints are also welcome to stay and clean afterwards, along with saints that have last names beginning with I-Pa.

Campus Coordination on Friday – Campus full-timers are opening their Friday coordination to the saints who want to participate. It will be at Jackson and Rebecca Lao’s home at 9 AM.

2015 Mid-Atlantic College Retreat (10/23-25) – The 2015 Mid-Atlantic College Retreat will be held on October 23-25, 2015 at Camp Letts in Edgewater, MD. Please, register by Oct 11 ($92), late deadline is by Oct 18 ($102).

2015 Live Winter Training Registration is now open – The registration fee is $155 and the deadline is October 25, 2015. Forms are available at the Service Office.

2015 Labor Day Conference Messages – Audio recordings of the Labor Day Conference Messages are available at: https://churchindunnloring.org/audio

2015 Fall Conference in Israel and Tours in Israel (10/22-11/1) and Tour of Jordan (11/1-3) – Please be encouraged to attend the 2015 Fall Conference in Israel, including the pre-conference tour of Israel and post-conference tour of Jordan. Invitation letter with additional details are posted on the bulletin board. For more details, please, visit http://www.jjtravelinisrael.com/tour-and-conference.

2015 Fall Pennsylvania Blending Conference – The conference will be held in Lancaster, PA from October 16-18, 2015, at the Lancaster Host Resort & Conference Center. Details are available on the bulletin board and at the Service Office.

2015 International Thanksgiving Conference – The conference will be in Jacksonville, FL at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville-Riverfront hotel from November 26-29, 2015. Additional details are available on the bulletin board and at the Service Office. Please sign up at the Service Office if you are planning on attending.


HWMR – The Crystallization-Study of Exodus, Vol.4, is now available for purchase. English and Spanish versions available at the bookroom; Chinese and Korean saints can purchase in their respective meeting locations; DC saints can purchase at the school. Cost for this publication is $6.00.

The Ministry of the Word (Periodical), September 2015
Conclusion del Nuevo Testamento, La (Mensajes323-345) (Spanish) – $10.50
Conclusion del Nuevo Testamento, La (Mensajes306-322) (Spanish) – $8.25
Crucial Words of Leading in the Lord’s Recovery, Book 6: Everyone Functioning for the Increase of the Church – $9.00
Authority and Submission – $11.25
The Law of Revival – $6.00