October 22, 2023 Announcements

10/23 – The Holy Word for Morning Revival – An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord’s Recovery before His Appearing, Vol. 1, Week 2 – The Divine and Mystical Realm.

10/25 – Prayer Meeting, 8:00 PM – The English-speaking saints will meet in person at the Fellowship Hall (Zoom will be available). All other languages will meet over Zoom.

10/31 – Children and Family Night/Bible Camp Reunion – We will have a special dinner and gathering on Tuesday, October 31, from 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM at the meeting hall for children and families. Dinner will be provided followed by singing and activities. While the focus of this time is for children ages 3-12, saints and gospel friends of all ages are invited to come help, participate, and enjoy. The theme song for the evening is “I’d Rather Be With the People of God Than Enjoy the Pleasures of Sin!”  To register, please sign-up by Tuesday, 10/24 at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F48A4AA2FABF5C70-45127832-2023

11/4 – Gospel to all the Nations mini-conference in Washington, DC – The church in Washington DC will host a gospel conference in the afternoon and evening of Saturday, 11/4, at the DC meeting hall beginning at 4 pm. Dinner will be provided. All are encouraged to attend, particularly those of African origin. Please invite your colleagues, friends, and family.

December Semiannual Training – The December Semiannual Training will be held live in Anaheim, CA from December 25-30, and the video training will be held in Dunn Loring from December 26 – January 7. Please visit: https://churchindunnloring.org/training for further details on the schedule, regulations, and registration. The registration deadline is Lord’s Day, October 29.

Offerings – Details for how to give offerings (electronically or by check) can be found at: https://churchindunnloring.org/offerings.


2024 Gospel Calendar – If you would like to order the 2024 Gospel Calendar, please sign up at the bookroom and prepay ($12/copy) or you can order through the following link by Monday, October 30th: https://churchindunnloringbookroom.square.site/product/2024-gospel-calendar/210

  • HWMR: An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord’s Recovery before His Appearing, vol. 1 (July 2023 Semiannual Training) – $7
  • Ministry of the Word (Periodical), The, vol. 27, no. 07, September 2023 (July 2023 Semiannual Training) – $15
  • The Lord’s Table Meeting – $3