TODAY The following small groups will be cleaning the hall after the meeting this morning: The following small groups will be cleaning the hall – English: Springfield/Burke & Chinese: Fairfax/Burke. Groups scheduled for cleaning are asked to gather in the Young People’s room in the Fellowship Hall at 12:30 pm prior to cleaning each week.
9/16 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization-Study of Genesis – Vol. 1, Week 2, Creation in Christ for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose.
9/16 Life-study Reading Schedule – Life-study of Genesis, Messages 3 and 4.
9/18 Corporate Prayer Meeting in the Meeting Hall, 7:45 pm.
9/22 Cleaning the hall after the Lord’s Day meeting: The following small groups will be cleaning the hall – English: Fairfax City (1) & Chinese: Centreville/Reston/Herndon.
Spanish-speaking Conference in Charlotte, NC on 9/21-22 – The church in Charlotte, NC is hosting a Spanish-speaking conference the weekend of 9/21-22. English translation will be provided. Additional information about the conference is posted on the service office bulletin board.
FTTA Care Packages – Paul Niesen will be visiting the trainees in Anaheim and is willing to bring any care packages you have for them (Anna Wong, Khalia Horne, Joey Hsiung, Isaac Lee). If you have anything you would like to send to them, please bring them to the Service Office by Saturday, September 28.
Conference Center in Kiev, Ukraine – There is an update on the construction of the Conference Center in Kiev posted on the bulletin board. There is also a video at There is an urgent financial need of $347,000 before the end of September in order to complete enough construction to obtain ownership documents. If you would like to participate financially, please designate your offering to “Kiev meeting hall, Ukraine”.
Phone List Update – Please check the phone list at the back of the main hall or at the cafeteria of the fellowship hall to update or add your information to the church phone list. Additionally, please fill out the form regarding your general availability to provide hospitality.
DC Area Songbooks – We will be placing an order to print additional DC Area Songbooks. Please sign up and prepay $8 at the book room by next Lord’s Day, 9/22.
HWMR, Crystallization-Study of Genesis – Vol. 1 is now available for pick up. English and Spanish versions can be picked up at the Dunn Loring bookroom, Chinese and Korean versions can be picked up in the respective meeting areas.
New Testament Recovery Version (Pocket size;6t 1/8”x43/8”, Burgundy; Text only) – $5.00
How to Meet – $11.50
Hymns 1-1348 (Large, words only) – $25.00
The Experience of Life – $17.00
Life-Study of Genesis (3 volume set) (pocket-size Edition) – $40.00
The Great Mystery-Christ and the Church (English) – $9.25
The Great Mystery-Christ and the Church (Traditional Chinese) – $10.25
Imparticion divina para la economia divina, La (Spanish) – $6.00