TODAY Meeting for all responsible and coordinating brothers of home groups – We will have a meeting with all the responsible and coordinating brothers from all home groups (all languages) in the Fellowship Hall after the morning meetings today at 12:15 pm.
9/19 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization-Study of Exodus Vol. 7, Week 40 – The Three Tabernacles.
9/19 Life-study Reading Schedule – Life-study of Romans, Messages 9 and 10.
9/21 Corporate Prayer Meeting at the hall, 7:45 pm.
9/24 No Corporate Morning Revival due to the Monthly Eldership Training.
9/25 No Lord’s Day Meetings in Dunn Loring but Ground-Taking Celebration Meeting of the Church in Fairfax –We’ll be joining a corporate Lord’s Table, September 25, 2016, 10 AM, at “Waterford” Banquet Hall (12025 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway, Fairfax, VA 22033). Children service for toddlers to 5th grade will be provided. Please register children at the desk in the lobby. A nursery room for mothers and babies will also be available.
Audio Messages from 2016 Mid-Atlantic Labor Day Conference – The audio messages from the 2016 Mid-Atlantic Labor Day Conference are available at
Fall Young People’s Conference (10/21-23) – Registration is now open for the Fall Young People’s Conference, which will be held at Camp Letts, MD from October 21-23, 2016. The Registration deadline is LD, Oct. 2 and the fee is $80.
2016 Mid-Atlantic Working Saints and Families (11/19-20) – Registration is now open for 2016 Mid-Atlantic Working Saints and Families Retreat, which will be held at Camp Wabanna, MD, from November 19-20, 2016. Please visit for more information and to register. The registration fee is $50 for adults (13 and up), $25 for children 5-12, children 4 and under are free.
Giving for the UK Building Fund – There is a financial need for the purchase of Bower Farm, for the construction of new facilities at Bower House, Bower Farm, and Woodland Camp. If you are led by the Lord to contribute, you can designate your checks for “UK Building Fund”.
Giving to support the gospel work in Europe – Those that are led to give to support the gospel work in Europe can designate checks for “Gospel Work in Europe”.
Next HWMR – If you need to add or make changes to your standing order for the next Holy Word for Morning Revival, you can go to the church in Dunn Loring web site:, or through the book room. The deadline will be September 25, 2016.
2017 Gospel Calendar – Orders can be placed with prepayment at the bookroom. Orders placed by October 30 will have a reduced price of $7. The price will be $8.50 thereafter.
HWMR, Crystallization-Study of Exodus Vol. 7, is now available for purchase.
Chinese (Traditional/Simplified), English and Spanish versions are available at the book room. Korean-speaking saints can purchase in their respective location. Cost for this publication: $6.00
The Life-Study of Romans is available in soft bound through the Living Stream Ministry Retail Books ( You could also prepay and order through the book room.
The Ministry of the Word (Periodical 2016 Summer Training) – $13.00
The Character of the Lord’s Worker – $11.00