September 8, 2019 Announcements

TODAY   Deadline to Register for the Fall YP Conference (9/20-9/22) – The Fall YP Conference will be held on September 20-22, 2019, at Camp Letts. The fee is $90. Registration forms are available at the Service Office.

9/9          The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization-Study of Numbers, Vol. 3, Week 16 – Speaking to the Rock to Drink of the Spirit as the Water of Life and Digging the Well to Allow the Spirit as the Water of Life to Flow Freely within Us.

9/11         Corporate Prayer Meeting at the Fellowship Hall, 8 PM

Meeting halls in Tbilisi and Berlin – There is a financial need to purchase meeting halls in Tbilisi and Berlin. If burdened by the Lord to contribute, please designate contributions to “Tbilisi meeting hall” or “Berlin meeting hall.”

Bibles for Ethiopia – Three recent weekend conferences in Ethiopia have attracted a large number of college students in that country, 1250 with 830 who are brand new. As a result, there was an overwhelming request for the Recovery Version New Testament Bibles. If burdened by the Lord to contribute, please designate contributions to “Bibles for Ethiopia.”



  • The Experience of Christ in Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians – $7.25
  • HWMR, Crystallization-Study of Numbers (3) – $6.00
  • Children’s Bible Story Songs CD – Eight Great Men in GENESIS, Vol 2. – $8.00
  • The Ministry of Word (Periodical), Vol.23, No.01 (Numbers) – $15.00
  • New York Young People CD: I Surrender All – $10.00
  • New York Young People CD: Just As I am – $10.00
  • Numbers Recovery Version (w/footnotes) – $7.00