April 7, 2013 Announcements

TODAY    The following small groups will be cleaning the hall after the meeting this morning: The Alexandria and Centreville/Manassas English-speaking and all Korean-speaking small groups.

TODAY    Care packages for the FTTA trainees If any saints want to send a care package (notes, and other small items) to our trainees from Dunn Loring. Please bring it to the service office today. Brothers will be going to ITERO and can deliver it to them.

4/8           The Holy Word for Morning Revival Crystallization-Study of Daniel and Zechariah, Week 11, The Evil and Wickedness of Commerce versus a Divine Sense of Value concerning Christ and the Church.

4/10         Prayer Meeting in the homes, 8 pm.

4/14         Cleaning the hall after the Lord’s Day meeting: The Burke and Centreville Chinese-speaking and Springfield English-speaking small groups.

Report from Gloria Kwong – There is an encouraging report from Gloria Kwong on our bulletin board and on our website under “Posts”, then “Reports”.

Young People’s Gospel Meeting – There will be a gospel meeting for the young people and their friends on Saturday, April 27, 2013. Please pray for the Lord to cover this time and for many friends to attend.

Lost and Found – Please check the lost and found (boxes in hallway next to brother’s bathroom) for items you or your children may have lost. Any items not claimed by Lord’s Day, April 28, 2013 will be donated or discarded.

International Memorial Day Conference – The International Memorial Day Conference will be held in Atlanta, GA from Friday, May 24 to Monday, May 27, 2013 at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis hotel. Further information is available on the bulletin board and at the Service Office. Please sign up at the Service Office if you plan on attending and please also sign up your children if they will be attending the children’s service there.

Summer Training The live summer training in Anaheim will be held from Monday, July 1 to Saturday, July 6, 2013. The video training schedule is below. The registration fee for the live training is $155 and the fee for the video training is $80. The registration deadline for both is Lord’s Day, April 28, 2013. Registration forms are available at the service office.

Video Training Schedule:

Thu, July 4, 4:30 PM – Message 1
Thu, July 4, 7:00 PM – Message 2

Fri, July 5, 7:30 PM – Message 3

Sat, July 6, 4:30 PM – Message 4

Sat, July 6, 7:00 PM – Message 5

LD, July 7, 4:30 PM – Message 6

LD, July 7, 7:30 PM – Message 7

Fri, July 12, 7:30 PM – Message 8

Sat, July 13, 4:30 PM – Message 9

Sat, July 13, 7:00 PM – Message 10

LD, July 14, 4:30 PM – Message 11

LD, July 14, 7:30 PM – Message 12


Holy Word For Morning Revival Sign Up – Please sign up for the next HWMR – The Recovery of Christ as Everything in the Church, either at the bookroom or on our website under “Members”, then “HWMR Sign Up”. The deadline for signing up or making changes to your order is next Lord’s Day, April 14th.


New York City Young People’s CD – Into My Heart – $10.00

The Purpose of God’s Salvation (Chinese) – $8.00

Acerca de las reuniones en casa (Spanish) – $6.25

Service According to Revelation – $7.25