TODAY Next HWMR, Crystallization-Study of Numbers (3), is available for purchase. Cost for this publication: $6.00.
8/5 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life, REPEAT Week 2 – Living the Kingdom Life by Living a Hidden Life.
8/7 Corporate Prayer Meeting at the Fellowship Hall, 8 PM
8/10 Bible for America Distribution Table – at Falls Church farmers market between 8 AM and 12 PM. All saints are encouraged to sign up for one of the four one-hour shifts by either participating in the distribution at the table or praying remotely for this Lord’s move.
8/11 Combined Lord’s Table with the Churches in DC and Fairfax – We will have a combined Lord’s Table with the churches in DC and Fairfax on August 11 in Dunn Loring. Brothers from Austin will be visiting us and will fellowship with the churches. Please carpool as much as possible. Please note, there will not be a corporate lunch this day.
2019 Mid-Atlantic Labor Day Conference (8/30-9/1) – The Labor Day Conference will be held on August 30 – September 1, 2019, at the meeting hall of the Church in Beltsville, located at 4417 Briggs Chaney Road, Beltsville, Maryland. Brother Bill Lawson will be joining us. Please see the Service Office for more details.
College Student Training in Ethiopia and Needed Financial Support – We have received a letter from the brothers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, concerning a one-week training for college students that will take place in three locations in July and August 2019. At this time 2300 students have registered. The brothers ask all the churches to pray for this training and to consider giving to support the cost of training such a large number. Please designate all gifts for “College Student Training in Ethiopia.”
- Children’s Bible Story Songs CD – Eight Great Men in GENESIS, Vol 2. – $8.00
- The Ministry of Word (Periodical), Vol.23, No.01 (Numbers) – $15.00
- New York Young People CD: I Surrender All – $10.00
- New York Young People CD: Just As I am – $10.00
- Numbers Recovery Version (w/footnotes) – $7.00
- Bible (Recovery Version with Footnotes): Mark 8:1 – 10:52 (Week 15 of New Testament Reading Schedule)
- Life-study of Ephesians: Message 50