December 6, 2015 Announcements

12/07     The Holy Word for Morning Revival –The Need for a New Revival – Week 6: Shepherding according to God (2) Becoming One with God, Being Constituted with God, Living God, Expressing God, Representing God, and Ministering God to Shepherd according to God.

12/07     Life-study Reading Schedule –Life-study of Exodus, Messages 113 and 114.

12/09     Sisters’ Prayer Time – There is a sisters’ prayer time open to all the sisters who are available on Wednesday mornings from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm. All languages are encouraged to participate and children are welcomed. If you are interested, please contact Rebecca Lao to be added to the weekly distribution list for meeting location information and updates.       

12/09     Prayer Meetings in the homes, 7:45 pm.

12/12     Corporate Morning Revival – All saints are encouraged to enjoy the Lord together for corporate morning revival at the meeting hall at 9:30 am. All saints are also welcome to stay and clean afterwards, along with saints that have last names beginning with I-Pa.



Revelations in Exodus: Seeing God’s Redemption and the Building of God’s Dwelling Place – $7.75.

Children’s CDs: God Made Me Wonderfully – Creation Vol. 2 – $8.00; Vessels Unto Honor – $8.00

Oh, What a Life! (Music CD) – $15.00

The Name of Jesus is Our Stand (Music CD) – $15.00

The Propagation of the Gospel and the Administration of the Church – $9.00

The Speciality, Generality, and Practicality of the Church Life – $7.25

Hymns #1-1348 (Small, words only) – $20.00