November 29, 2015 Announcements

TODAY   2015 Winter Video Training Registration Deadline – The winter video training in Dunn Loring will be from 12/25/15 – 01/03/16. The registration fee is $80 (includes outline) and the registration deadline is TODAY. Further details and registration forms are available at the Service Office.

11/30   The Holy Word for Morning Revival – The Need for a New Revival – Week 5: Shepherding according to God (1) Shepherding People by Cherishing and Nourishing Them according to the Pattern of the Lord Jesus and of the Apostle Paul.

11/30   Life-study Reading Schedule – Life-study of Exodus, Messages 111 and 112.

12/2   Prayer Meetings in the homes, 7:45 pm.

12/5   Corporate Morning Revival – All saints are encouraged to enjoy the Lord together for corporate morning revival at the meeting hall at 9:30 am. All saints are also welcome to stay and clean afterwards, along with saints that have last names beginning with A-H.


Revelations in Exodus: Seeing God’s Redemption and the Building of God’s Dwelling Place – $7.75.

Children’s CDs:   God Made Me Wonderfully – Creation Vol. 2 – $8.00;   Vessels Unto Honor – $8.00
Oh, What a Life! (Music CD) – $15.00
The Name of Jesus is Our Stand (Music CD) – $15.00
The Propagation of the Gospel and the Administration of the Church – $9.00
The Speciality, Generality, and Practicality of the Church Life – $7.25
Hymns #1-1348 (Small, words only) – $20.00