TODAY The following small groups will be cleaning the hall after the meeting this morning:
English: Fairfax City (2) & Chinese: Vienna/GWU & GU Students/McLean. Groups scheduled for cleaning are asked to gather in the Young People’s room in the Fellowship Hall at 12:30 pm prior to cleaning each week.
02/17 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – The Mending Ministry of John – Week 3, The Shepherding of Christ for the Church as the One Flock and the Father’s House.
02/17 Life-study Reading Schedule – Life-study of Genesis, Messages 47 and 48.
02/19 Corporate Prayer Meeting at the meeting hall, 7:45 pm.
02/23 Cleaning the hall after the Lord’s Day meeting:
English: Falls Church/Arlington/Alexandria; Centreville/Manassas/Herndon & Korean: Fairfax/Centreville
Spring 2014 College Retreat – The Spring 2014 College Retreat will be from February 21-23, 2014 at Camp Letts, MD. The registration fee is $82 if registered by February 9, and $92 for late registration (February 16). Please sign up at the Service Office.
Greetings from Koko and Sanda from Burma – “We arrived in Rangoon safely on Thursday (02/13/2014) evening. The Lord provided everything to us in both spiritual and physical needs. We met the saints on Friday (the next day) evening and had fellowship together concerning the move of the Lord in Rangoon. The Lord gave us a burden to start the ground work to register the church in Rangoon to function legally for His move. Please, prey for the church registration, home meetings and campus works. We really appreciate all your prayers concerning the blending to grow together in His Body. The weather is mid 90’F plus 100% humidity. But He is able to carry us through and we’re able in Him who empowers us too. Praise The Lord for the members of His universal Body. Please give our greetings to the church in Dunn Loring.” From Koko and Sanda.
Bulletin Board – please see the bulletin board for the following announcements:
• 2014 International Conference of the churches in Puerto Rico (March 1-2, 2014)
• Chinese-speaking tour of Israel & Jordan (March 24 – April 3, 2014)
• Southeast blending conference in Atlanta (March 28-30)
• Blending conference in Ohio with Ron Kangas (April 25-27, 2014)
Ministry of the Word (THE MENDING MINISTRY OF JOHN) – $7.00
New Testament Recovery Version (Burgundy; Economy w/ footnotes; Softbound; 63/4×41/2″) – $15.00
Journey Through The Bible – Unit 4 (Establishing God’s Kingdom on Earth) – $8.00 (Young People)
The Economy of God – $12.00
Ministry of the Word – 2013 Genesis Winter Training – $13.00
Holy Bible Recovery Version (With footnotes;Black,Hardbound;10×71/8″) – $65.00
Administracion de la iglesia y el ministero de la palabra, La (Spanish) – $10.00
God’s Plan Concerning the Church (Traditional Chinese) – $7.00
Conculusion del Nuevo Testamento, La (Mensajes (Spanish) – $10.50
Extractos del los mensajes del entrenamiento – Estudio de cristalizacion de Genesis (2), invierno 2013 (Spanish) – $13.00