TODAY The following small groups will be cleaning the hall after the meeting this morning:
English: Fairfax City (1) & Chinese: Centreville/Reston/Herndon. Groups scheduled for cleaning are asked to gather in the Young People’s room in the Fellowship Hall at 12:30 pm prior to cleaning each week.
02/10 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – The Mending Ministry of John – Week 2, The Revelation of the Triune God and of the Consummated Spirit.
02/10 Life-study Reading Schedule – Life-study of Genesis, Messages 45 and 46.
02/12 Prayer Meeting in the homes, 7:45 pm.
02/16 Cleaning the hall after the Lord’s Day meeting:
English: Fairfax City (2) & Chinese: Vienna/GWU & GU Students/McLean.
Spring 2014 College Retreat – The Spring 2014 College Retreat will be from February 21-23, 2014 at Camp Letts, MD. The registration fee is $82 if registered by February 9, and $92 for late registration (February 16). Please sign up at the Service Office.
Bulletin Board – please see the bulletin board for the following announcements:
• 2014 International Conference of the churches in Puerto Rico (March 1-2, 2014)
• Chinese-speaking tour of Israel & Jordan (March 24 – April 3, 2014)
• Southeast blending conference in Atlanta (March 28-30)
• Blending conference in Ohio with Ron Kangas (April 25-27, 2014)
The Economy of God – $12.00
Ministry of the Word – 2013 Genesis Winter Training – $13.00
Holy Bible Recovery Version (With footnotes;Black,Hardbound;10×71/8″) – $65.00
Administracion de la iglesia y el ministero de la palabra, La (Spanish) – $10.00
God’s Plan Concerning the Church (Traditional Chinese) – $7.00
Conculusion del Nuevo Testamento, La (Mensajes (Spanish) – $10.50
Extractos del los mensajes del entrenamiento – Estudio de cristalizacion de Genesis (2), invierno 2013 (Spanish) – $13.00