January 11, 2015 Announcements


 TODAY    The following small groups will be cleaning the hall after the meeting this morning: English: Fairfax City (1); Chinese-speaking: Centreville/Reston/Herndon; Spanish: Virginia. Please meet in the main meeting hall at 12:15 pm prior to cleaning.

1/12        The Holy Word for Morning Revival – The Vision, Practice, and Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ – Week 2: God’s Purpose for the Church (2) – To Subdue God’s Enemy by Displaying His Multifarious Wisdom through the Church.

1/12       Life-study Reading Schedule –Life-study of Exodus, Messages 19 and 20.

1/14       Prayer Meetings in the homes, 7:45 pm.

1/17         Cleaning the hall after the Lord’s Day meeting: English: Fairfax City (2), Woodbridge/Lorton; Chinese-speaking: Vienna/GWU/GU students/McLean.

1/27         Blending with FTTA Trainees – There will be a time of blending with the FTTA Trainees for all YP and college students on Tuesday, 1/27/15 from 6 pm – 8:30 pm. Dinner will be provided.

7/12-18    2015 National College Training (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) – The subject for this time is “God’s Age-Turners.” Online registration is now open at www.collegetraining.org. Copies of the Invitation Letter with additional details are also available at the Service Office.

Audio Messages from the conference on “Raising the Next Generation for the Church Life” are now available on our website: https://churchindunnloring.org/audio



Ministry of the Word for Exodus (1) Winter Training 2014, please sign up at the book room.


I’ve Found the One of Peerless Worth (Music CD) – $15.00

Hymns #1-1348 (Large words only) – $25.00

Conclusion del Nuevo Testamento, La (Mensajes 172-188) (Spanish) – $9.00

Conclusion del Nuevo Testamento, La (Mensajes 189-204) (Spanish) – $8.25

Mensajes dados a los santos que trabajan (Spanish) – $7.25

Manejo de la iglesia por parte de los ancianos, El (Spanish) – $11.00