June 2, 2013 Announcements

TODAY    The following small groups will be cleaning the hall after the meeting this morning: The Fairfax Chinese-speaking and Centreville and Fairfax English-speaking small groups.

HWMR: The Experience, Growth, and Ministry of Life for the Body is now available for pickup.  Cost of this publication is $7.00.  English and Spanish can be picked up in the bookroom, Chinese and Korean can be picked up in their respective locations, saints in DC can pick up their books at the school.

6/3    The Holy Word for Morning Revival – The Experience, Growth, and Ministry of Life for the Body, Week 2, Dealing with the Natural Constitution in Order to Be in Resurrection.

6/5    Prayer meeting in the homes, 8 pm.

6/9    Cleaning the hall after the Lord’s Day meeting: The Vienna and Mc Lean Chinese-speaking and Woodbridge English-speaking small groups.

International Memorial Day Conference Webcast in Dunn Loring – The International Memorial Day Conference will be webcast in Dunn Loring.  Please sign up at the Service Office if you plan on attending, so that we know how many outlines to prepare.  The schedule is as follows:

Message 5 – TODAY, 6/2/13, 5 pm
Message 6 – TODAY, 6/2/13, 7 pm

Summer Video Training Registration – The summer video training registration has been reopened for those wanting to participate. The deadline is next LD, June 9.

Handout at Sister Lee’s Burial Meeting – The Service Office has a link that will enable you to download a very edifying handout given to the saints at Sister Lee’s burial meeting on May 20. Please visit the Service Office to receive the link.

An Open Letter from the Local Churches and Living Stream Ministry Concerning the Teachings of Witness Lee – There is a new website, http://an-open-letter.org which is an open letter from the Local Churches and Living Stream Ministry Concerning the teachings of Witness Lee. It contains a statement of faith, the Lord’s Recovery, and history as well as testimonies from respected Christians. Many can benefit from this website and it can be used freely for the Lord’s interests and reaching others.

Bibles For America is offering a free two-book set of The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee and The Economy of God by Witness Lee – We urge you to share the news of this free offer with those around you. Encourage them to go to http://www.biblesforamerica.org/newbooks to order their free set.  To support the carrying out of this burden, you can give online at http://www.biblesforamerica.org/support-bfa.  For more details, please see the bulletin board.
P.S.  Please remember that this free offer is for the public only so that we can give away as many as possible.  If you or other saints in the Lord’s recovery would like to have either of these books, you can purchase them at http://www.lsm.org.

Several updated reports on the Lord’s move in Europe and in Kiev, Ukraine, are now available for the saints’ encouragement – Two updated reports from Europe are posted on the bulletin board.  These reports are also available from the LME website at http://www.lordsmove.org/reports.html.  In addition, a link to a video update regarding the construction of the meeting hall in Kiev is shown at http://youtu.be/pSKL4044hjc.


Hymns #1-1348 (Small, words only) – $20.00
New York City Young People’s CD – Into My Heart – $10.00
The Purpose of God’s Salvation (English) – $7.25
Praying Unceasingly and Living in the Spirit (Traditional Chinese) – $7.00
Tener comunion con el Senor para la mezcla de Dios con el hombre (Spanish) – $7.00
Serving in the Flow of the Age (Traditional Chinese) – $7.00