October 16, 2011 Announcements


10/17   The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization-Study of the Psalms, Week 7, Praising Christ as the King.

10/19   Corporate Prayer Meeting at the meeting hall, 8 pm.

10/22   Saturday Morning Service – Cleaning, Gardening and Maintenance: Service Group D (Washington DC District).  Please meet at 9:30 a.m. for corporate prayer and fellowship before cleaning the hall.  Please note that all saints are welcome to come each Saturday.

10/28 –  College students retreat at Harvey Cedars, New Jersey. The cost is $93 per 10/30    person if registered before 10/16, and $103 if before 10/23.  For a single room the cost is $145 per person.  You may get a registration form at the Service Office and return it along with the check made out to “Christians on Campus” to Joe Chang or Bill Hirst by 10/16.

10/30    Deadline for registering for 2011 winter training, both live and video.  The live training will be 12/26-12/31 in Anaheim. The schedule for the local video training will be as follows:

12/30, Fri, 7:00 PM, Message 1
12/31, Sat, 4:30 and 7:00 PM, Message 2 and 3
1/1, LD, 4:30 and 7:00 PM, Message 4 and 5
1/2, Mon, 9:30 AM and noon, Message 6 and 7
1/6, Fri, 7:00 PM, Message 8
1/7, Sat, 4:30 and 7:00 PM, Message 9 and 10
1/8, LD, 4:30 and 7:00 PM, Message 11 and 12

Registration donation is $155 for live and $80 for video, outlines included.  Please register at the Service Office before the deadline.

11/24 –  International Thanksgiving Conference in San Jose, CA.  All the meetings     11/27    will  be held  at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center, Exhibit Hall 1, located at 150 West San Carlos St., San Jose, CA.  There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Five hotels provide special group rates ($85-$89 per night, plus tax) under the name of “Living Stream Ministry-2011 Thanksgiving Day Conference.”  Deadlines for these group rates are either 11/10 or 11/19 depending on the hotel.  Please see the bulletin board for additional details.  In preparation of the children’s service, there is also a sign-up sheet at the Service Office for the children attending the conference.

Phone list update.  Please verify your information on the current phone list.  Hard copies for inspection are outside the kitchen in the main hall and in the cafeteria in the fellowship hall.  Additions or changes may also be submitted online via the website.

Materials from brother David Bekker’s memorial meeting – Hard copies of the memorial meeting’s program are available at the Service Office. Please sign up at the Service Office if you’d like to have a copy of the video of the meeting.  Slide show shown at the memorial meeting can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWKDFuOz8yk.   The audio file of the meeting is available at: http://www.churchincambridge.org/recordings/DaveBekker.mp3.

Financial Report:  The financial report for the month of August is posted on the bulletin board.


– Sign up and Pre-pay for the 2012 Gospel Calendar – $7.00 (Deadline is November 1, 2011)
– HWMR – The Crystallization-Study of The Psalms, Vol.2 is available for sale.  Saints who signed up for the Chinese HWMR, please pick up at the tape room.